Family of Charlotte Sarah Affleck
and Herbert Gilles Penney
Some of these names are derived from a newspaper cutting saved by my grandmother, Valencia Ann Harper Olsen (née Penney) of the wedding of Herbert Gillies Penney and Lottie Affleck on Saturday 11 December 1909. Other names and the relationships have been provided by Joyce and William Affleck. If you are a Penney (from South Shields) or an Affleck (from Gateshead) and are able to shed more light, I would be most grateful.
Photo of Charlotte Sarah Penney (née Affleck)dividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of  Herbert Gilles Penney
Charlotte Sarah (née Affleck) and Herbert Gilles Penney
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of Helen Planterose (née Penney)dividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of  Cyril PlanterosePhoto of Robert Affleck Penneydividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of  Margaret Penney (née ?)Photo of Dorothy Morriss Desoutter (née Penney)dividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of Denny DesoutterPhoto of Reginald John Penneydividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of  Elizabeth Penney (née ?)
Helen and CyrilRobert and MargaretDorothy and DennyReginald John and Eileen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of Peter John Planterosedividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of  Margaret Anthea Planterose (née Saffery)Photo of Ian PlanterosePhoto of Sylvia Walsingham (née Planterose)dividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of ? Walsingham
Peter John and Anthea (née Saffery)IanSylvia (née Planterose) and ?
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of Nicola Grundy (née Planterose)dividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of  Frederick GrundyPhoto of Lucy King (née Planterose)dividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of  Darren KingPhoto of  Matthew PlanterosePhoto of  Thomas WalsinghamPhoto of  Sarah WalsinghamPhoto of  Robert Walsingham
Nicola and FrederickLucy and DarrenMatthewThomasSarahRobert
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of Edward GrundyPhoto of William Grundy
Edward GrundyWilliam Grundy
A photograph of the Affleck family.
Standing: William, Wilhelmina, Robert, Johnson Morris
Sitting: Jessie, Georgiana, Robert (father)
On floor: George, Lottie
The olsen family!!

Page last updated: © Tuesday, October 31, 2017Page n04