Family of Tordis Omdahl
and Alfred Lange
All these names were given to me by Tordis Lange a few years ago. Unfortunately I've had great difficulty in reading her hand writing. If I have got your names or the relationships wrong, then please email me, so that I can correct them.
Photo of Tordis Omdahldividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of Alfred Lange
Tordis (née Omdahl) and Alfred Lange
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of Solveig Stangebye(?) (née Lange)dividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of  Bjørn Stangebye(?)Photo of Bea Kloster (née Lange)dividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of  Knút KlosterPhoto of Torúnn Gjedebo (née Lange)dividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of  Jon Gjedebo
Solveig (née Lange) and Bjørn Stangebye(?)Bea (née Lange) and Knút KlosterTorúnn (née Lange) and Jon Gjedebo
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of Pål Stangebye(?)Photo of Ole Stangebye(?)Photo of Kim KlosterPhoto of Anne KlosterPhoto of Trine KlosterPhoto of Knút KlosterPhoto of Finn Gjedebo
Photograph of Tordis and Alfred
The olsen family!!

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