Family of Elaine Sandra Sweeting (née Poulton)
and R. Sweeting
Elaine Sandra Sweeting, is the second daughter of Kenneth Charles and Florence May Poulton. She and her husband, R. Sweeting, live in The Republic of South Africa.
Photo of Kenneth Charles Poultondividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of  Florence May Poulton (née Goodman)
Kenneth Charles and Florence May Poulton (née Goodman)
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of Brenda Eileen Swart (née Poulton)Photo of Photo of Elaine Sandra Sweeting (née Poulton)dividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of Robert Stanley SweetingPhoto of Julia Carole Welch (née Poulton)Photo of  Steven Charles Poulton
Brenda EileenElaine Sandra and Robert StanleyJulia Carole Steven Charles
Temple/Swart (née Poulton)Sweeting (née Poulton)Welch Poulton
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of ? Hylanddividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsenslashdividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of Christopher (Tuffy) Hylanddividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsenslashdividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of Chantelle Hyland (née Sweeting)dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsenslashdividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of  ? MorganPhoto of Adam Sweetingdividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of Angelique Sweeting
? ?Christopher and Chantelle? MorganAdam andAngelique
(née Sweeting) Hyland(née Robertson) Sweeting
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of Dean HylandPhoto of Hannah Morgan-HylandPhoto of Troy Morgan-HylandPhoto of Rene MorganPhoto of Keith SweetingPhoto of Sarah SweetingPhoto of Leila Sweeting
The olsen family!!

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