Family of Derek Lee Chering
and Susan Anne Knott
All this information on the Chering family was provided by Derek Cherring. If you are descended from the Cherings, and can help with this tree, we would be pleased to hear from you.
Photo of Harry John Cheringdividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of Muriel Dorothy Chering (née Martin)Photo of Richard Beatydividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of Rose Beaty
Harry John and Muriel Dorothy (née Martin) CheringRichard and Rose Beaty
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of Raymond Alexander Cheringdividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of Iris Chering (née Beaty)
Raymond Alexander and Iris Chering
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of Derek Lee Cheringdividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of Susan Anne Chering (née Knott)
Derek Lee and Susan Anne (née Knott) Chering
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of Chad Lee CheringPhoto of Sarah Cheringdividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of Steven James WestPhoto of Michael Chering
Chad Lee Sarah Jane and Steven James Michael James
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of James Graham Chering
James Graham Chering West
The olsen family!!

Page last updated: © Monday, February 11, 2013Page q04